Posted: February 19, 2017
- Pink Shirt Day is this Wednesday. While we are not doing specific shirts for the school this year, we encourage students to wear their pink shirts from previous years. Alternately, you can buy shirts connected with the campaign at London Drugs or online, or you can wear anything pink that you choose. And really, it isn’t about the shirts. It’s about treating others with respect and kindness all the time. It’s about not just respecting, but celebrating diversity.
- The Youth Homelessness Initiative in Langley found success! In case you missed it, here’s the announcement of a Langley Youth Resource Centre.
- There are two events upcoming that might be of interest to you. Click on the banners for detailed information.

PAC Happenings
Thank you again to everyone who came out to Family Movie Night!
This week…
- Tuesday is our next PAC meeting. Join us in the library at 6pm to find out what is happening around the school. Child minding is available.
- Wednesday is Hot Lunch> Ming and SIng Chinese food will be served for lunch. Extras will be for sale in the PAC room.
Quote of the Week
Interesting Reading & Viewing
- 5 Things Children Totally Get About Disability That Adults Don’t
- Teaching Empathy is difficult, but critical, according to Dr. Brene Brown.
- This Pink Shirt Day poem, ‘A Poem For the Quiet Ones,’ is written and performed by Hannah Berry, a student from BC.
Calendar of Events
- Grade 7 Boys’ Basketball Practice – 7:30
- Report Card Prep Day – Students dismissed at 11:26
- Girls’ Basketball Practice – 11:40-1:00
- Grade 7 Boys’ basketball practice 7:30
- WGSS Counsellor/Admin visit to Grade 7s @8:45
- Grade 6 Boys’ basketball game home vs. Topham
- PAC Meeting @6 in the library
- Grade 6 Boys’ basketball practice 7:30
- Hot Lunch Day – Ming & Sing
- Grade 7 Boys’ basketball game at Topham
- Girls’ basketball game home vs. Alex Hope
- Grade 6 Boys’ basketball practice 7:30
- ProfessionalDevelopment Day – Students do not attend.
Beyond a bit…
Report Cards March 2
Parent Teacher Interviews – March 8, 9
Last Day before Spring Break – March 10