Posted: February 18, 2018
The West Langley PAC is pleased to present 2 very important courses for our kids. Stay SafeHome Alone (for grade 3 and up)
Babysitter Course (for grade 5 and up)
These courses will be offered at West Langley on the professional development day, Friday February 23rd.
For more information please contact Sunita at - The Langley School District’s Nature Program for students in grades K-3 runs at Fort LangleyElementary. For information and to register, families must attend one of the information sessions on February 21 or February 26.
- The grade 7 fundraising group are hosting a Parents’ Social Night at the Fort Pub in Fort Langley on March 3 at 6 pm. Tickets cost $25 for dinner and a drink, and there will also be raffle baskets and games, and of course great fun for all. Tickets are available for order from Erin McDonald at
- Report cards don’t come out for a while yet, but they will be published online again. If you have not yet logged on to MyeducationBC, please do. If you don’t have a username, please email Mr. Oliver for assistance.
PAC Happenings
Spirit Orders are due on Feb 20th (Tuesday). Orders will be ready before spring break. This is the last opportunity for school clothing this year.
Thank you for everyone that signed up. Registration is now closed.
Tuesday from 6 to 7 in the Library. All are welcome
Is underway!! Open meeting for anyone able to help on Tuesday at 7 (after the PAC meeting)
March 9: Middle School Update Meeting at West Langley
Quote(s) of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- I have to admit, I’m getting hooked on this series of videos: Small Things, Big Ideas. Some of what the speaker talks about might help me understand the draw of the chessboard in our courtyard. The hidden way stairs shape your life.
- Ms. Coulson shared this one with me last week: Anxiety in children” A metaphor to put you in their shoes (and right beside them). From this article “Anxiety will haul them into the future and buddy them with plenty of ‘what-ifs’, which are the raging fuel for anxiety.”
- This website is also via Ms. Coulson. It has a link to a book called Hey Warrior which is meant to help kids understand anxiety (the video trailer is great, and I’ll be ordering the book for the school library), and the site has a ton of other useful information for families. Hey Sigmund: Where the science of psychology meets the art of being human.
Calendar of Events
- 100s Day
- Grade 6 boys’ basketball practice 2:30
- PAC Spirit Wear orders due – end of day.
- PAC Meeting – 6pm in the library. Child minding available.
- Grade 7 Boys’ basketball game @Dorothy Peacock
- Grade 67 Girls’ basketball game @WLE vs Dorothy Peacock
- Grade 6 Boys’ basketball game at Topham
- Grade 67 Girls’ basketball practice – 7:30 am.
- Pro-D Day – students do not attend.
- Babysitting at Home Safe Alone courses at WLE –
Feb 26 – Report Card Prep Day – students dismissed at 11:26
Feb 26-Mar 2 – Respect & Diversity Week