This Week at WLE – February 13, 2017

Posted: February 12, 2017


  • Pink Shirt Day is next Wednesday. While we are not doing specific shirts for the school this year, we encourage students to wear their pink shirts from previous years. Alternately, you can buy shirts connected with the campaign at London Drugs or online, or you can wear anything pink that you choose. And really, it isn’t about the shirts. It’s about treating others with respect and kindness all the time.
  • There will be an Outdoor Education program in Langley next year, for students in grades K-2. Note that the parent evenings are the ONLY way to sign up for that program for the coming year. Click the banner for the full details.
  • There are two events upcoming that might be of interest to you. Click on the banners for detailed information.
  • The Lower Mainland Green Team are running 3 invasive plant removal sessions at James Anderson Park (by Walmart) in the spring. Details can be found here.
  • We were going to host the Intermediate group of the Langley Ukulele Ensemble on Thursday. Instead, they’re coming at the end of the month. In the meantime, here’s some information about that group that might be of interest to some families.

The Langley Ukulele Association runs a summer camp each summer for kids going into grade 4-7 to learn the Ukulele. We would like to leave your school with a copy of our camp flyer and a copy of our pre-registration form for any interested kids to bring home to their families. If it is at all possible would your school be able to send this information out to your families. We would be willing to come by and pick up any pre-registration forms that families return to the school.  Or families can visit our website for more information. Please find attached our Camp Poster and our pre-registration form.

  • Red Cross Babysitting Course

    So you want to be a babysitter? Or, your parents want you to take this course so they feel confident leaving you at home alone? Babysitting with First Aid Hero emphasizes learning through real life scenarios. information covered includes: Exploring the business of babysitting, creating safe environments, safely caring for ages 0-12, and first aid skills.

    Red Cross Babysitting Course

    West Langley, May 5, 2017, 8:30-3:30                        

    Grade 6+      

    $60 + GST online registration

PAC Happenings


Join us this Friday, Feb 17th for West Langley’s 1st Family Movie Night. Gather up the whole family and come spend the evening with friends from school.

Movie: Pete’s Dragon

Doors open at 6:00pm, Movie Starts at 6:30pm

Cash Concession: Pizza, Popcorn, candy bags, drinks and more!!!

Bring your own chair or blanket and get comfy. (or use one from the school)

Admission is a minimum $5.00 donation per family.

Don’t Miss Out!!!!

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • No Letter Grades? Is it just us? Nope.
  • Media literacy is something we ought to be teaching kids starting early, I think. Here’s one on learning to analyze photos (aimed at us older types, mind you) that provides a useful example. And Seth Godin’s blog post on the real product of commercial media is also thought provoking.
  • I believe in the importance of being outside, and of learning in nature. I didn’t realize that being out in bright sunlight has benefits for things like our eyesight, too.

Calendar of Events


  • Family Day Holiday – No School


  • Last day of Candygram Sales. Sales before school and at recess!
  • Grade 7 Boys’ basketball practice 7:30
  • Grade 6 Boys’ basketball game home vs. Dorothy Peacock
  • Girls’ basketball practice after school ’till 4.


  • Grade 6 Boys’ basketball practice 7:30
  • Grade 7 Boys’ basketball game at Alex Hope
  • Girls’ basketball game home vs. Gordon Greenwood


  • Grade 6 Boys’ basketball practice 7:30
  • Girls’ basketball practice after school (until 4)
  • Outdoor Education Program (K-2) parent info night 7pm at Langley Fine Arts School.


  • Jump Rope for Heart JumpFest
  • Family Movie Night (PAC Fundraiser)

Beyond a bit…

  • Half Day for students – Monday February 20
  • Professional Development Day – February 24
  • Report Cards March 2

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556