Posted: February 10, 2019
- It’s snowing! If you are needing information about school status in inclement weather, check the SD35 website, or listen to CKNW or News 1130. If your kids bring sleds to school, please remind them that we expect them to ride sitting down, not standing up.
Body Science Boot Camp for Parents
Thanks to the WLE PAC for supporting this great opportunity for our kids. We are delighted to have teachers from the Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educators joining us on February 11 (for parents) and February 19 and 22 (for students). They have consistently provided us with thorough, appropriate and informmative teaching about sexual health. Here’s what to expect when you come on February 11:
Parenthood never arrives with a rulebook, and when it comes to explaining the world of sexual health to your child, it can be hard not to end up a bright shade of red. Using humor and straight talk in an open, interactive environment, Saleema Noon Sexual Health Educators will show you how easy it is to convey healthy, positive messages about sexual health to kids.
In this workshop parents will learn:
• Why we need to talk to children about sexual health at a young age
• How to reduce risk of child sexual abuse
• What children should know at each stage of development, with specific examples of how to explain concepts and processes
• How to become their kids’ preferred source of sexual health information
• How to normalize open, honest sexual health conversations in their family
• How to effectively answer even the toughest questions kids ask
• What will be covered in Body Science workshops for students
- What are you doing on the evening of March 1? You should be coming to the Vancouver Giants game in support of our grade 7s going to Camp Jubilee. If we can sell 100 tickets, Mr. Masigan and Mr. Oliver will apparently get the honour of participating in a (slightly intimidating and probably-silly) race on the ice during an intermission. Tickets are School Cash Online. $22 per person, for a fun family evening and in support of a great experience for West Langley students.
PAC Information
Saleema Noon – Body Science (Parent info)
Monday @ 6:30 in the Learning Commons (Library)
PAC Meeting
Tuesday @ 9 am in the PAC room. You can see the proposed agenda here.
Please note that we cannot offer childcare during daytime meetings, but you are welcome to bring your little ones along with you.
Popcorn & Snacks
Wednesday @ lunchtime
If you ordered snacks online, you will get a reminder email confirming your order. A limited amount of extra snacks will be available at lunch.
Ordering is still open for Pizza (Feb 27) and the following snack day (Mar 13) online through Munchalunch
Upcoming dates:
Hot Lunch: Menu Ideas & Planning
Wednesday, February 27, 1:30-2:25
Open to any parents/caregivers that would like to share opinions and offer ideas about the hot lunch program at West Langley. Little ones are welcome to attend with you, and there will be snacks and samples to try during the meeting.
Quote of the Week
Interesting Reading & Viewing
- For people who think they know a thing but then freeze on the ‘test.’ How Stress Affects Your Memory.
- This is an opinion piece, and you know what opinions are worth sometime, but it suggests that the next time your kids say they’re bored, you should congratulate yourself and leave them that way. Let Children Get Bored Again – Boredom teaches us that life isn’t a parade of amusements. More important, it spawns creativity and self-sufficiency.
Calendar of Events
Monday February 11
- Sexual Health Education – parent info session at 6:30
- Boys’ Basketball Practice – after school
Tuesday February 12
- PAC Meeting – 9:00 in the PAC Room
- Grade 67 Girls’ Basketball Practice – 2:45-3:30
Wednesday February 13
- Snack Day – Popcorn
- Grade 7 Boys’ Basketball Game @ home vs. Dorothy Peacock
- Grade 67 Girls’ Basketball Game @ Dorothy Peacock
Thursday February 14
- Pink/Red/White Spirit Day – for Valentine’s Day
- Boys’ Basketball Practice – 7:30
- Girls’ Basketball Practice – after school
Friday February 8
- Pro-D Day – Students do not attend
- Feb 18 – Family Day Holiday