Posted: December 2, 2018
- Ready Set Learn is coming once more. This session’s theme will be ‘Naturally Curious’ and you can register by calling the school office or going here. In fact, you can register there for ANY Ready, Set, Learn program, at ANY school, as those programs are not limited to catchment area kids.
My Tween and Me is a program for parents and kids aged 7-12. It is designed to help strengthen their relationship as they move into the preteen years, and will help ‘open the lines of communication to discuss current issues like drugs, alcohol and social media.’ The program will take place at Yorkson Creek Middle School, and will run Wednesdays from January 16 to March 6, from 6-8 pm, with kids attending every second session. Cost is $50 for 1 parent and 1 child, and space is limited. Click the flyer for a full-sized image. The registration link is here.
- Hold the date! Our Christmas Concert is scheduled for Tuesday, December 18. There will be the traditional afternoon (1:00) and evening (6:30) shows. We will be setting up the staging and lights on Tuesday, December 11 after school. As always, I would be most appreciative if some parents were able to help with the heavy-ish lifting and ladder climbing. Watch This Week next week for a volunteer sign-up page.
- The grade 7s are doing a Poinsettia (and planter & wreath) fundraiser. You probably (hopefully) received emails from the School Cash Online system on Friday with ordering links. Sorry for the multiple emails; this was the most complicated setup we’ve had to build yet. Deadline for ordering is Monday December 3.
- WLE is supporting a family again this year, through the Christmas Bureau. Ms. Swerdan sent home details on paper last week. We will also be making a donation to the Langley Food Bank. Non-perishable donations can be added to the tables just inside the front doors. Thank you for all your support of our community initiatives.
- The grade 7s are hosting another movie fundraiser on Friday after school. Tickets will be available in advance in the office. This time, they’re trying to streamline the initial startup, so a $5 ticket will get your child admission, a bag of popcorn (form our awesome school popcorn machine) and a drink. Additional snacks will still be available for purchase as well.
PAC Happenings
For this week:
December 5 – Kernel’s Treat Day, will be delivered by parent volunteers to classes at 2:15
December 5 – Neufeld Food Pick up @ 2:30
December PAC Newsletter was sent home by email, and also posted on Facebook. You can view it here:
December 19 – Opa! Hot Lunch
December 21 – Holiday “Surprise” Breakfast
February 8 – Family Fun Night (evening)
February 11 – Saleema Noon Parent Presentation (Body Science/Sexual Health), 6:30pm
February 12 – PAC General Meeting, 9 am
Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- I found this list of Educational Podcasts for Kids. Some are also, coincidentally, by kids.

- Not that I’m suggesting the holidays are stressful (what, in an age of social media comparison, increasingly busy schedules and competing demands on everyone’s time), but I still thought this article shared by Mr. Moorthy, principal at WGSS, might be interesting for some of you. Seven Simple Tips for Coping with Holiday Stress. Do I follow them all? Not so much, but I do try.
Calendar of Events
Monday December 3
Crazy Hair Day
- Girls’ Volleyball Practice – 7:30
- Poinsettia orders due
Tuesday December 4
- Girls’ Volleyball at James Kennedy – 3:00
- Boys’ Volleyball game at home vs. Gordon Greenwood – 3:00
- Fire Drill with bells
Wednesday December 5
- Boys’ Volleyball game at James Kennedy
- Ready Set Learn (Naturally Curious) 5:30 (register by calling the office).
- Treat Day – Kernels
- Neufelds Order delivery after school
Thursday December 6
Friday December 7
- Grade 7 Movie fundraiser – 2:30
- Report Cards published Dec 14
- Christmas Concert – Dec 18 (Tuesday)