Posted: April 8, 2018
- I.D.E.A. Summit – May 8, 2018See young entrepreneurs in action as they present IDEAS •
DESIGNS • ENTREPRENEURSHIP • ALTURISM on Tuesday, May 8th from 9am – 3:30pm at the Langley Events Centre. Thanks to innovative leadership, Langley School District educators are starting to embrace the teaching of entrepreneurship in all its forms. Discussions are occurring on how to encourage curiosity and vibrancy, how to stress the importance of tough-minded optimism, stamina and taking risks; and how to discover the need for experimentation, commitment and yes, even failure. At the I.D.E.A. SUMMIT students are taking leaps of faith and attacking problems from different angles, with eyes and mind open to every possibility. They are breaking out of the usual box of ideas and turning brainstorms from familiar to fantastic. Hope to see you there! Three WLE Students will be there, representing our school at the student marketplace. Click on the poster for a full-sized, 4-page brochure that shows how parents can be a part of the program, as well.
- When it comes to fundraising events, the Grand Prix Gala is like no other in Langley. Forget dinner in a drafty hall, dancing to golden oldies and listening endless speeches. Instead watch horses from around the world compete on one of the top two equestrian show tracks in North America. Drink in the ambience of rural Langley while tasting award-winning wines and munching on gourmet hors d’oeuvres. Take your chances to win a set of diamond earrings, a vertical garden or cold hard cash. And remember all proceeds go to support the Foundation’s Food for Thought Campaign. A full brochure of information about the event is available here.
- The WE Day students will be conducting a battery recycling drive over the next two weeks. They will be sending out information regarding when and how you can send in old batteries for recycling, and so that donations of nutritional Zinc are made to match. WE win two ways: old batteries stay out of the landfills, and children in developing countries gain access to Zinc, a critical nutritional mineral they often otherwise lack. Send in dead batteries (except for car) with your kids starting Tuesday. WE Day students will coordinate from there.
- The School Garden is coming. We are working on having the school garden installed this spring. We will be looking for a source of good quality garden soil to fill our planters. Thanks to the parent who already was in touch about soil.
The Kids Helping Kids Clothing Drive is on now. Bring donations of good, clean used clothing to the school office all month. This program supports the Township of Langley Firefighters Charitable Society healthy snack program. Click the picture at left for bigger and more details!
- Summer Session 2018 details have been announced. Sessions are available for students at all levels. Click here for the Elementary brochure, and here for the Middle/Secondary. There will be some new course offerings for intermediate students, including Sports & Fitness Explorations at several locations, and Computational Thinking & Coding 6/7/8 at Yorkson Creek Middle School. This is definitely NOT the remedial Summer School I remember from the 80s and 90s!
- If you have a child starting Kindergarten next year, you should bring them to Kinderstarts on April 16 from1:00 to 2:30. KinderStarts is a playful family time where parents learn about how to support their child in literacy and numeracy. Children and parents experience learning together and then parents reflect on this time while children take part in a small group activity. Children have a snack and take home giveaways. Please register through the school office. This program is a wonderful way to make connections with others before starting the Kindergarten year. Register here.
PAC Happenings
Mark your calendar – April 24 is our next PAC meeting!
Quote(s) of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- How are you? Do you respond with ‘good’ or with ‘not bad’? Does it matter. It turns out that optimistic outlooks can be taught and learned, and that the optimistic outlook connects with a number of positive life outcomes. Optimism is a Learnable Skill.
- So the website this article is on isn’t my usual source of material, but I liked this article on The Beginner’s Mind, which discusses the value and importance of retaining a sense of awe and wonder. That’s something that I get to experience every day when working with your children, because they always remind me to see the wonder in the world.
Calendar of Events
- Tribal Vision Dance performance assembly – 9:00 am.
- Send in your dead batteries for WE Day recycling.
- Treat Day – Crazy Bread at recess
- Jersey Day – wear a jersey to school to show solidarity with Humboldt, SK.

- Early Dismissal – Collaboration – students dismissed at 1:15.