This Week at WLE – April 9, 2017

Posted: April 9, 2017


  • Don’t forget that our website contains a Community Bulletin Board that provides info about a wide range of Langley events. It is accessible off the ‘News & Events’ menu on the main page. Additions are through the School Board Office, I believe.
  • WLE are pleased to present two Ready Set Learn sessions for kids aged 3-4 and their parents. The first of these is next Tuesday, April 18, from 6-7 in our gym. Our theme in April is Music, Movement and Me.The second is Tuesday May 9 at the same times, with the theme Naturally Curious. Please RSVP to the school office if you are interested in attending, and please pass on the invitation to neighbours or friends with youngsters who aren’t yet part of the WLE community. This event not limited to WLE families; all are welcome!
  • While it may not even feel like Spring is here yet, the district is already hard at work setting up Summer Session learning for students. The official website is up and running, and has links to brochures for all programs and registration details. Online registration opens this Monday, and some of the high-demand programs actually fill up, so if you’re thinking about it, don’t hesitate for too long!
  • I was recently sent links to three resources for parents around Digital Citizenship. The links below take you to a download portal for each.
    • Making the most of video games – As with other media, it’s important for parents to be involved in their children’s video gaming and be aware of the different issues that children and teens encounter while playing. This guide provides information on video game ratings, ways to pick good video games for your children, tools for avoiding unexpected charges and tips for managing video games in the home.
    • A Digital Citizenship Guide for Parents -The guide covers the following key elements of digital citizenship: Respecting people & feelings, Respecting privacy and Respecting intellectual property. It also provides conversation starters on a variety of different topics to help parents talk about these issues with their kids in a constructive and meaningful way, and offers tips for creating household Internet rules. This guide was prepared by Public Safety Canada and MediaSmarts.
    • A Guide for Trusted Adults – This guide is designed to prepare all the adults young women turn to, including parents/guardians, teachers, mentors, health and wellness providers, law enforcement, and technology professionals, to be the trusted adults they need when they have problems online. Understanding young women’s rights and responsibilities, and helping them to understand them, is an important part of being able to help them participate fully online.
  • Red Cross Babysitting Course

    So you want to be a babysitter? Or, your parents want you to take this course so they feel confident leaving you at home alone? Babysitting with First Aid Hero emphasizes learning through real life scenarios. information covered includes: Exploring the business of babysitting, creating safe environments, safely caring for ages 0-12, and first aid skills.
    Red Cross Babysitting Course
    West Langley, May 5th, 8:30-3:30
    Grade 6+
    $60 + GST online registration

  • You may or may not know that WGSS now has a cook training program where students can complete the first year of their apprenticeships while still in high school. As part of that program, they are pleased to announce the opening of their new restaurant, One Season. I have had the chance to sample the food already, and it is fantastic, and the value it represents is outstanding. Here’s a sample menu.

PAC Happenings

Treat day

Wednesday this week is Booster Juice day. Treats will be served at recess.


Stock up on your fresh baked goods so lunches this week. Remember, 5% of your purchase is donated back to the school just by mentioning WEST LANGLEY

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • A parenting article on changing child behaviour without traditional ‘punishments’. While the whole thing doesn’t necessarily do it for me, parts of it are applicable in schools, too. And probably with adults in conflict as well.
  • Remember those Participaction commercials from when we were kids? Well, Participaction is still around, and in honour of Canada’s 150th birthday this year, they have a list of 150 physical activities to try this year. Some are easy to pull off, some not so much. There’s actually a contest, too, with prizes for participating!
  • On the heels of April Fool’s Day, I found this handy primer. I try to apply this sort of filter all the time, but still occasionally get tricked. Some of these strategies link nicely with the core competencies in BC’s new curriculum, too.

Calendar of Events


  • Summer Session registration opens



  • Booster Juice – treat day at recess
  • Sexual Health Lessons/presentations for grades K, 2, 4, 6.


  • Sexual health lessons/presentations for grades 1, 3, 5, 7.


  • Good Friday – No School


April 17 – Easter Monday – no school

April 20 – Reconciliation Plaque Dedication Assembly

April 21 – Langley Children’s Choir concert (afternoon)

April 25 – Autism speaker (assembly) and PAC meeting

April 28 – Class/Group Photos

May 3-4 – Fire Safety House visit


West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556