This Week at WLE – April 28, 2019

Posted: April 28, 2019


  • The garden is growing. Please remind your kids of all ages that there are seeds and baby plants working hard to grow and that people shouldn’t be climbing on or in the planter boxes in the front of the school, even the ones that look like they are still empty. It is so disappointing for our students to work on a plot only to have their work trampled by siblings playing in the gardens before or after school. Our classes thank you.
  • The City of Langley runs a Tri-It triathlon for people who want to give the sport a go. It looks to be lots of fun and has a youth category so even some of our students could be giving it a ‘Tri’ (Sorry, couldn’t resist)! Early bird registration discount and free t-shirt (I’ll do anything for a free shirt) end on May 5.

  • Here is  a pair of upcoming events that might be of interest, too. I love cars – old, new, borrowed, blue – and do my best to get out to Poppy for their show. It’s always got a big turnout as it is the first big show of the year. I hope, too, to see some of you (and kids from grades 5 and up) at the Screenagers screening too.
  • Maybe you know this, and maybe you don’t, but Langley Secondary School is being replaced next year, and 2019 is the 110th anniversary of LSS (formerly Langley High School). On June 8 there will be an anniversary event/farewell to the old building, and everyone will be invited. Here’s some information about it.

PAC Information


PAC Election:

Nominations are open for the 2019-20 school year. All parents at the West Langley Elementary school are automatically members of the PAC. Every year, we welcome and encourage parents to nominate themselves or someone else for an executive position. Positions are determined at the Annual General Meeting, which will be held in June.

Nominations are open for all positions, this includes:

    • President
    • Vice-President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • District PAC rep
    • Up to 3 Members-at-Large

A Nomination Committee has been set up to help share information to connect with parents that want to learn more. Thank you to Nicole W. (Lead), Sunita F., Sarah N. and Samantha W.

Please contact for more information!

Quote(s) of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • I stumbled across this list of great documentaries for families to watch together on the Becoming Unbusy website. I haven’t watched them all, but I have seen some, and I will see the rest. They offer an alternative to video games or reruns as the regular TV season ends and hockey & basketball crown champions. There’s a trailer for each on the linked page, so you can have a quick look and decide if these are for you.
  • This week is Screen Free Week (in terms of entertainment, that is – I know that many of us can’t get through a work week without a screen). has an extensive list of suggestions for alternate activities. Reading books goes without saying (glad I have lots to choose from), and bike riding if it’s light enough to be safe is a winner, but there must be more. I may have to dig out my old comic books from the ’90s, since they definitely didn’t turn out to be the epic ‘investment’ I rationalized them to be. 50 Ideas to Keep Your Kids Busy During Screen Free Week.

Calendar of Events

Monday April 29

  • Fire Drill

Tuesday April 30

Wednesday May 1

  • Staff Appreciation Lunch (thanks, PAC)
  • BC Lions Energy Champions – 1pm
  • Screenagers – 7pm at WGSS

Thursday May 2

  • Book Character Day – for Team Points.

Friday May 3

  • Pro-D Day – Students do not attend


  • May 9 – Early dismissal for Collaboration
  • May 27  – Track Meet
  • June 14 – Sports Day




West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556