Posted: April 22, 2018

- On May 12, as part of Science Odyssey and Science Rendezvous nationally, KPU’s Langleywill transform into a spectacular science festival where the public will get a chance to participate in hands-on experiments, chemistry magic shows, music, art, design, interactive science labs, dancing fire, high-tech nursing demos, brewery lab tours, and much, MUCH more! There will also be free t-shirts for the first 100 kids as well as other giveaways, contests, and goodies.
- I.D.E.A. Summit – May 8, 2018See young entrepreneurs in action as they present IDEAS •
DESIGNS • ENTREPRENEURSHIP • ALTURISM on Tuesday, May 8th from 9am – 3:30pm at the Langley Events Centre. Thanks to innovative leadership, Langley School District educators are starting to embrace the teaching of entrepreneurship in all its forms. Discussions are occurring on how to encourage curiosity and vibrancy, how to stress the importance of tough-minded optimism, stamina and taking risks; and how to discover the need for experimentation, commitment and yes, even failure. At the I.D.E.A. SUMMIT students are taking leaps of faith and attacking problems from different angles, with eyes and mind open to every possibility. They are breaking out of the usual box of ideas and turning brainstorms from familiar to fantastic. Hope to see you there! Three WLE Students will be there, representing our school at the student marketplace. Click on the poster for a full-sized, 4-page brochure that shows how parents can be a part of the program, as well.
- Thanks to all who sent in batteries for the WE Day Battery Drive. The students will be weighing and reporting on the donations, so that Teck will make matching donations of nutritional zinc in developing countries.
The Kids Helping Kids Clothing Drive is on now. Bring donations of good, clean used clothing to the school office all month. This program supports the Township of Langley Firefighters Charitable Society healthy snack program. Click the picture at left for bigger and more details!
- Summer Session 2018 details have been announced and registration is underway. Sessions are available for students at all levels. Click here for the Elementary brochure, and here for the Middle/Secondary. Elementary classes are filling fast; in fact, some are full already. If you are thinking about registering, please do so right away.
- On May 29, thanks to the support of the PAC, the grade 6 & 7 students of WLE will be attending an internet safety presentation by the White Hatter at Gordon Greenwood Elementary. His presentations are outstanding. More exciting is the fact that there will be a parent presentation that same evening, also at Gordon Greenwood Elementary from 6:30-8:30. Mark your calendar, and go early as seating will be limited to 550 people, and there are 4 schools participating. Specifics for the student field trip are still to come.
PAC Happenings
Thank you to all the families that participated, and showed support for the families of the Humboldt Broncos. $420 was generously raised, and donated on behalf of West Langley.
Newsletters and updates will be coming home on Monday – please let us know if you won’t receive it!
April 24 @ 6
PAC Meeting (Library), child minding available.
April 26 @6
Carnival Meeting (library). Any parents that can help are asked to attend. Help us make this a great event for our kids!
Quote(s) of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- Since it’s Earth Day, check out this beautiful gallery of photos from NASA of, you guessed, Earth!
- I don’t think any of our kids are vaping, but I might be wrong. Those who attend the community center teen dances have told me about lots of other kids their age who do. It is not a good idea.
Calendar of Events
- Long Jump for grade 67
- WE Day Meeting at lunch
- PAC Meeting 6pm in the library
- Hot Lunch
- Long Jump for grade 45 after school
Spring Carnival parent meeting – 6pm in the library
- April 27 – Class/Team Photos
- May 4 – Pro-D
- May 8 – IDEA Summit
- May 25 – Family Spring Carnival
- May 28 – Track Meet (It’s a Monday this year)
- May 29 – White Hatter student (daytime) and parent presentation (6;30-8:30 @Gordon Greenwood)
- May TBA – Terry Fox Run