This Week at WLE – April 21, 2019

Posted: April 22, 2019


  • The garden is growing. Please remind your kids of all ages that there are seeds and baby plants working hard to grow and that people shouldn’t be climbing on or in the planter boxes in the front of the school. It is so disappointing for our students to work on a plot only to have their work trampled by siblings playing in the gardens before or after school. Our classes thank you.
  • The WE Day students are planning a charity car wash at WLE this Friday, April 26. Bring your dirty car by any time after lunch (all the way until 3:30 pm) and have it hand washed by donation. Donations go to the WE Charity to support families in the developing world to generate income for themselves – we buy goats that provide milk, wool and maybe baby goats. Washing will be supervised by Mr. Oliver who is sort of picky about cars and how they should be washed.
  • Summer School registration is open. There is a huge range of learning opportunities for students of elementary and middle-school age to try through the first few weeks of summer. Some programs are in such high demand that they are nearly full already. It is also worth noting that while Langley students can register now, the system will open up to out-of-district students in a few week, so if you want to register, you should do so asap.
  • Here is  a pair of upcoming events that might be of interest, too. I love cars – old, new, borrowed, blue – and do my best to get out to Poppy for their show. It’s always got a big turnout as it is the first big show of the year. I hope, too, to see some of you (and kids from grades 5 and up) at the Screenagers screening too.
  • Maybe you know this, and maybe you don’t, but Langley Secondary School is being replaced next year, and 2019 is the 110th anniversary of LSS (formerly Langley High School). On June 8 there will be an anniversary event/farewell to the old building, and everyone will be invited. Watch this space for more information as we get closer to the event.

PAC Information

Snack Day is on Wednesday, April 24th


PAC Election:

Nominations are open for the 2019-20 school year. All parents at the West Langley Elementary school are automatically members of the PAC. Every year, we welcome and encourage parents to nominate themselves or someone else for an executive position. Positions are determined at the Annual General Meeting, which will be held in June.

Nominations are open for all positions, this includes:

    • President
    • Vice-President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • District PAC rep
    • Up to 3 Members-at-Large

A Nomination Committee has been set up to help share information to connect with parents that want to learn more. Thank you to Nicole W. (Lead), Sunita F., Sarah N. and Samantha W.

Please contact for more information!

Quote(s) of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • So this one is pretty advanced, and applies to adults and teens for sure, though maybe a bit less for younger learners. We don’t want kids memorizing so much anymore (though it is important to know ‘things’ if you want to do anything with knowledge), but even so, this article might be of interest to some of you. The Lesson You Never Got Taught in School: How to Learn.
  • How many bananas do you go through in a week? In my house, it’s a lot! This is a long read (or listen) about bananas, and how they have gone from luxury good to just about the cheapest fruit option we’ve got. The Most Interesting Fruit in the World.

Calendar of Events

Monday April 22

  • Easter Monday – No School

Tuesday April 23

  • Last day of tennis. Thanks, PAC!
  • WE Day Meeting – lunch

Wednesday April 24

  • Treat Day

Thursday April 25

Friday April 26

  • Group/Team Photos – starting in the morning and going until lunch.
  • WE Day Car Wash. Bring your car to the basketball court between 12:45 and 3:30 for a by-donation washing up.


  • May 1 – Screenagers – 7pm at WGSS
  • May 3 – Pro-D Day
  • May 27  – Track Meet
  • June 14 – Sports Day




West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556