Posted: March 31, 2019
- Welcome back, Lions! We hope you had an excellent Spring Break and are rested and rejuvenated for another great term at school. The garden is warming up, the fields are drying out, and we’re ready to do a bunch of new learning with you.
- Thanks to the hard work and organization of Mrs. & Mr. Fordy, Monday is the Racing With Autism presentation after recess. Parents are, of course, welcomed to attend. The race car used by Austin (adapted, no less!) will be outside (unless I can fit it through the gym doors, but when I measured, I wasn’t optimistic) on the basketball court so it will be closed at recess. The presentation also includes the Autism Reality Experience (a simulator built by Austin’s brother, I understand), which is available to interested adults through the afternoon. Please consider trying it out at some point.
- H
ave your kids come home talking about the new Canada Food Guide? Have you heard about 2019 AprilSchool newsletter – CFGwhat’s been removed or added in the news? Here is a synopsis produced by dieticians at Fraser Health you might find interesting.
- The BC School Satisfaction Survey is open until April 15. Please take a few minutes to share your views about our school and direction. The results of this survey are useful for us in educational and strategic planning. It is aimed particularly at the parents of grade 4 and 7 (and 10 and 12) students each year, but all are welcome to fill it in. No access codes are required this year; you need only follow the link and navigate your way to our school.
- The District has released draft calendars for the next three years. They are available for viewing & feedback here.
- Here is a pair of upcoming events that might be of interest, too:

PAC Information
You can still read the March newsletter here.
Community Night – May 24
PAC volunteers are planning a BBQ and activities night for West Langley families. We need a few volunteers to help us. If you have a few hours to spare before, or during the event, please sign up here:.
We will make a decision in early April if we have enough help to make this event happen.
Hot Lunches
Last call for hot lunch payments!
If you ordered online, please make sure you pay by tomorrow (Monday) morning at 8:30. Cash and cheque payments can be dropped at the office or credit cards can be used through munchalunch.
** any unpaid orders will be cancelled**
April Newsletter
Keep an eye on your inbox for the monthly newsletter from the PAC.
Quote of the Week
Interesting Reading & Viewing
- I read this article about Emotional Agility as a Tool to Help Teens Manage Their Feelings and immediately thought, ‘that’s not just for teens!’ The foundational work that the author talks about is what we do as the parents and teachers of pre-teens. The linked article on Scaffolded Autonomy was also very interesting and provides advice that I know I should follow with my own kids even though doing so is impossibly difficult.
- April is Autism Awareness Month, and an old friend of mine shared this resource (created by a fellow who lives with Autism). He also has a blog that I found very interesting; it includes ‘diagnosis stories’ from a number of people who discovered that they are on the Autism Spectrum as adults, rather than as kids.
Calendar of Events
Monday April 1
- Back to School
- Racing With Autism assembly – 10:30 – parents welcomed!
Tuesday April 2
Wednesday April 3
Thursday April 4
Friday April 5
- Crazy Sock Day! My favourite.
- Kinderstarts – 1:30 in the Library
- April 8 – Grade 7 Parent Meeting for Camp2019
- April 9 – PAC Meeting
- April 12 – Collaboration Day – Students dismissed at 1:15
- April 15-23 – Tennis