This Week at West Langley – October 29, 2017

Posted: October 29, 2017


  • Parent Teacher Interviews are coming up on November 1 and 2. Thanks to all parents who have already booked times. If you have not booked, you can do so here. The booking sheet will be locked at lunch on Monday, so please book asap if you haven’t already done so. See you Wednesday or Thursday.
  • There is a workshop for parents coming up at Yorkson Creek Middle School that addresses the topic of anxiety in our kids. It will be delivered by Ted Leavitt, a counsellor with Langley Youth & Family Services. Click the picture at right for full details.
  • One of our parents shared this opportunity: iGuy is a straight-to-the-point, lighthearted empowerment workshop that prepares 9-12 year old boys to make smart decisions in even the toughest situations.Click here for a poster with contact/registration information: iGuy
  • On November 6, we have our first Arts Starts assembly, with African music & dance ensemble Masabo joining us. Presentations are generally about 45 minutes long, and this one is scheduled to start at 1:15. Please feel free to join us if you are available and interested; it will be a great show!
  • Halloween is coming, and on Halloween day, we have the Carnival supporting the Grade 7 Camp experience. Primary students will be attending between an early (10-10:15) recess and lunch, while intermediate students will attend after lunch, from 12:45-2:00. Thanks to all for donations, support, and work in setting up this great community-building event.
  • Lots of kids like to come to school in costume on Halloween as well. Please note that while we are fine with costumes, accessory weapons and over-scary masks should stay at home. The bouncy castle at the Carnival and recess have also claimed a couple of costume casualties over the years, so if you have a super-elaborate or fragile costume, you might want to think twice.
  • It looks like the winter weather is just around the corner. Please note that the combination of our blacktop and WLE microclimates is very prone to forming black ice. Our parking lot, the basketball courts, and the blacktop by the Telegraph Trail Park entrance all get very slippery. While we put deicer down on walking surfaces whenever we suspect there might be a frost, conditions often remain slippery. Always take care when walking at the school on frosty mornings, and remember that the parts in the shade will sometimes say icy well into the day.

PAC Happenings


Congratulations and Thank You to all WLE families who helped us sell a record number of Entertainment Books this year. We sold 308! Watch for Mr. Oliver to be decked out in his silly outfit at some point in the near future, directing traffic and feeling silly for the day. Congratulations to our top selling classes (Mrs. Gorseth’s and Mrs. Alsop’s classes) and our top selling student, Riley D. Kiera S is already planning her Principal for a Day activities and lunch. 

Please send in your registration forms for Parents Night Out! Last year this was a great success, and the kids had a lot of fun! Dinner can be included with registration, so you can drop your kids off and enjoy a few hours to yourself.


Nov. 28 – PAC Meeting @ 6 (Library)

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

Calendar of Events



  • Halloween
  • Halloween Carnival


  • Parent Teacher Interviews – Students dismissed at 1:30


  • The Whitecaps are playing their second playoff game against the Sounders. If you have ‘Caps gear, this is the day to wear it!
  • Parent Teacher Interviews – Students dismissed at 1:30


  • Bright Lights/Big Science (Ms. Doerksen’s & Ms. Hall’s classes)


  • Masabo – November 6
  • Parents Night Out fundraiser (PAC) – November 9
  • Non-instructional day – November 10
  • Remembrance Day holiday – November 13

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556