The Last 2 Weeks at WLE – June 17

Posted: June 17, 2018


SUNSCREEN! Don’t forget it!

Monday this week, the grade 6 parents will be selling the remaining treats from Sports Day at lunch and after school. Prices are:

  • Ice Cream Sandwich – $1
  • Freezies – $1
  • Chips $0.50
  • Candy Bags – $1 (after school only).

Please note that individual students will only be allowed to buy one sugary item at lunch, and candy bags will not be available at lunch. After school, no limits will apply.

Join us this Friday for the first ever WGSS Grad Walk. Graduating students from Walnut Grove will return to their elementary schools and walk the halls where they got their academic start. Please feel free to join us to see them off. They are scheduled to arrive at 10:00. I believe I counted 4 older siblings of our current students on the list, too! And if you come, please bring tissues for Ms. Swerdan!

The Summer Homework is coming. Watch for the final ROAR of the year, where we will assign some homework questions for families to take a crack at this summer. Hopefully we can inspire at least one cool experience per family that you might not have thought of.

 PAC Happenings

Our last meeting of the year is on Tuesday. Yes, we know it’s June, and there are many other busy things going on. If you can make it out to one all year, please try for this one. We need people in attendance so we can meet our bylaw requirements to vote in the next group of executive members.

If you’ve never been to a meeting before, they run from 6 to 7 pm in the Library, and childminding is offered at no cost. The meeting is run by the PAC president, and includes updates from many volunteers, as well as a great report from Mr. Oliver himself that provides updates around the school. There is time at the end for questions and general discussions.

The Proposed agenda is here:

Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

Why are schools, or classrooms, the way they are? Why were they the way they were? This is an interesting article on how architectural decisions impact student learning. I remember going to school in an open concept school from grades 2-4. It was a bit strange.

This one is unrelated to everything we do at school, EXCEPT hot lunch (sort of). Who knew that hot dog water is actually good for you? And not cheap!

Calendar of Events


  • Get those library books, WLE Jerseys, and other school-issued things back, please!
  • Grade 5 Swim Program


  • Grade 5 Swim Program
  • Earthquake & Evacuation Drill
  • PAC AGM at 6pm in the library


  • Grade 5 Swim Program
  • Grade 7 Farewell – 6-9pm in the Gym


  • National Indigenous Peoples Day
  • Grade 5 Swim Program


  • Grade 5 Swim Program
  • WGSS Grad Walk. Join us at 10 as the WLE grade 7s from five years ago come back home for a visit in all their splendour.

Monday June 25

  • The LAST Monday of the school year.

Tuesday June 26

  • Beach & Pool Field Trips (all day)

Wednesday June 27

Thursday June 28

  • Last Day of school
  • Final Assembly
  • Students Dismissed at 11:26
  • Report Cards Published by 3pm

Friday June 29 – First Day of Summer Holidays!

Friday July 6 – School office closes for the summer

Monday August 27 – School office opens


West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556