Posted: September 3, 2017
Welcome back to school, everyone! It was a long, hot, sometimes smoky summer, but we seem to have made it through, and are excited to be coming back to our wonderful learning community at West Langley Elementary. As always, this is our version of a newsletter, so don’t forget to check in on Sundays for the week’s news, events, and some interesting things to read.
- We are excited this year to be running SchoolCashOnline – a system that lets you make any payments to the school, for things like field trips or supplies. No more baggies! No more searching for exact change in the car ashtray (do they even make those anymore?). Watch for paper instructions to come home next week, and sign up right away!
Accidents happen.
For your convenience, we’ve made arrangements for families to voluntarily purchase student accident insurance through the Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance program, underwritten by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc (iA Financial Group).Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance offers protection against the unexpected costs of injury from accidents, and is especially valuable for families who:• do not have medical or dental plans,• have limited plans, as it may help supplement health and dental benefits, or• have active children who enjoy sports and outdoor activities.For complete plan details, please visit Paper information on enrolment will come home in the first week of school.- The Langley School District offers numerous programs of choice, including Fine Arts, French Immersion, Fundamental and Montessori. Families applying for first year entry into any choice program for September 2018 will need to apply online. The online application system opens at 12:00PM (noon) Monday, October 2, 2017 and closes 12:00PM (noon), Monday, October 16, 2017.
- Lights out when it’s bright out! The Langley School District participates in an energy-saving program with BC Hydro. One component of that is to keep interior lights turned off when there is adequate natural light coming in from outside. So if you come in and it looks like we’re sitting ‘in the dark,’ remember we’re just doing our bit!
PAC Happenings
Join us on Tuesday morning for a coffee or tea and a chat about some of the opportunities you have for working with the PAC and staff on keeping West Langley Elementary the fantastic place that it is. We will also be selling some fantastic West Langley-branded merchandise.
Our first PAC meeting of the year will be September 26 at 6:00 pm in the library.
Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- I love lunch. Mrs. Oliver loves lunch. Our kids love lunch. But we all hate making it. I suspect some of you are in the same predicament and, like me, have kids who need lunches. I went poking around for ideas, and found a few: 40 Easy School Lunches via the Food Network (these don’t look easy to me, but they sure look tasty). 101 Simple School Lunch ideas from Canadian Family (though there is nothing simple about cutting sandwiches into the shapes of killer whales). School Lunches from 100 Days of Real Food (but probably not peanut butter, please). I’ve found some inspiration; now I just need to find the discipline to make lunch in the evening instead of in a panic in the morning.
- Just in case you didn’t make it to a museum as part of your Summer Homework (Mr. Oliver barely snuck that task in himself), here are 10 Virtual Museum tours.
Calendar of Events
- Labour Day
- First Day of School. Students attend 8:30-10:25.
- First full day of school – grades 1-7 attend all day.
- Opening Assembly after recess
September 14 – Entertainment Book Fundraising Kickoff Assembly
September 20 – Meet the Teacher/Community BBQ @4pm