Posted: November 25, 2018
- Je pensais d’écrire tout cette entrée en français, mais je ne peux pas le faire à vous.
Don’t forget, tomorrow is an early dismissal – students will be released at 11:26 am.
- Hold the date! Our Christmas Concert is scheduled for Tuesday, December 18. There will be the traditional afternoon (1:00) and evening (6:30) shows. We will be setting up the staging and lights on Tuesday, December 11 after school. As always, I would be most appreciative if some parents were able to help with the heavy-ish lifting and ladder climbing. Watch This Week next week for a volunteer sign-up page.
The grade 7s are doing a Poinsettia (and planter & wreath) fundraiser. You probably (hopefully) received emails from the School Cash Online system on Friday with ordering links. Sorry for the multiple emails; this was the most complicated setup we’ve had to build yet. You can see the choices in the School Cash online pages for each item.
- Kids in the Grove are again helping with Keian’s Wish Toy Drive for the Christmas season. donations can be dropped off at the daycare.
- Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make last week’s Scholastic Book Fair a grand success. Parents, staff and students all contributed time, and the library, which means all of our Lions, is the beneficiary.
PAC Happenings
Chipotle Nov 27, 3 to 7 pm
“School Spirit Tastes Great”
Stop into the Langley Chipotle from 3 to 7 on Tuesday and let them know you’re from West Langley. 33% of your purchase will be donated to the PAC. Money raised will be spent on things like literacy, culture and technology.
Can’t make it? If you can’t make it, and still want to show your support, please consider a donation.
(go to and select Fundraising) – thanks 😉
The December PAC Newsletter will be sent home this week, along with a feedback survey. Please keep your eyes peeled- This will be sent by Mr. Oliver through the school email, and posted on the West Langley PAC facebook page.
This week, PAC volunteers will be hosting a tour of the updated Resource Room to the Langley School Trustees and other guests. We will also be thanking a number of small businesses that have generously donated to our school.
Thank you to the many parent volunteers that have helping in so many ways – the amazing hot lunch crew (Sarah & Andrea), fundraising helpers (Cheryl, Marie, Marcie, Nicole, Stevie, Crystal & more) and grant-writers (Sunita &Vera). It takes a village to raise a child, and it certainly takes many parents run a PAC. Many thanks to you all!
On the last day of school before the holiday break, parent volunteers are going to “surprise” all classes with a breakfast/snack in the morning. We are looking for 1 volunteer to help coordinate food donations (1-2 hours total, flexible schedule in the next one to two weeks) and 2 to 4 volunteers to help with cooking and handing out food (1 @ 7:30-8:30am; 2 @ 8:30-10:30am) on Friday, December 21. Please email (subject line: Holiday Breakfast) to let us know how you would like to help.
Kernels Popcorn – December 5 (the last of the afternoon treats)
Opa! Greek Food – December 19
Quote of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing
- I found this neat 2-pager on how we can help young kids become better math problem solvers through what we do with them at home. Apart from the British examples, I think it’s pretty useful. I particularly liked the ‘4 kinds of knowledge kids need to be successful problem solvers.’
- Here’s a link to parts of what Sophie Gregoire Trudeau said to the students at WE Day last week. It’s an important message for kids and adults all to hear. We have to give ourselves permission not to be perfect, and we have to care enogh about ourselves to say when something is wrong. ‘Awkward conversations are 10 times better than silence.’
Calendar of Events
Monday November 26
- Girls’ Volleyball Practice – 7:30
- Early Dismissal – 11:26
Tuesday November 27
- Girls’ Volleyball at Topham – 3:00
- Boys’ Volleyball game at home vs. Topham – 3:00
- Chipotle Day – mention WLE when buying at Chipotle between 4 and 7 pm for a donation to come to the PAC.
Wednesday November 28
- Girls’ Volleyball Practice – 7:30
- Boys’ Volleyball Practice – 2:45
Thursday November 29
Friday November 30
- Aaaaugh! December tomorrow!
- Report Cards published Dec 14
- Christmas Concert – Dec 18 (Tuesday)