This Week at WLE – May 13, 2019

Posted: May 12, 2019


  • A more detailed 2019-2020 school calendar has been approved by the School Board. You can download the basics here. Please note that the format of Collaboration and other early dismissal days has been changed, so you’ll want to check it out.

Reduce Plastic UseReduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose, Reiterate, Refine, Remove

  • Two grade sevens from the WE Day team, Olivia B and Mariah M, are doing a project to help reduce the use of single-use plastic! We’re challenging our school to go a week without use any plastic bags or plastic wrap. Granola bar wrappers and things like that are inevitable, so it’s okay if your kids bring those. If your child brings a lunch without any of that plastic that we listed above then their colour team will get a point. We are extending the challenge for this week as well, from Monday to Friday.
  • The City of Langley runs a Tri-It triathlon for people who want to give the sport a go. It looks to be lots of fun and has a youth category so even some of our students could be giving it a ‘Tri’ (Sorry, couldn’t resist)!

  • Maybe you know this, and maybe you don’t, but Langley Secondary School is being replaced next year, and 2019 is the 110th anniversary of LSS (formerly Langley High School). On June 8 there will be an anniversary event/farewell to the old building, and everyone will be invited. Here’s some information about it.

PAC Information

Frozen Yogurt on Wednesday!

Frozen yogurt is coming on Wednesday! If you ordered on Munchalunch, you will receive a confirmation email on Tuesday. Orders will be delivered at lunch time to your child’s class.

Thank you for supporting this fundraiser 😊

PAC Nominations

We are so grateful for all the amazing kids that make West Langley such a great place. The parent community is important too – we hope you feel included and engaged.

Did you know that all parents and guardians are automatically members of the PAC? So you don’t need to “join” to be part of the group; you can come to one meeting, all the meetings, or none of the meetings and still be part of the PAC.

The Nomination Information that we’re sharing is for specific volunteer roles and executive positions. We are looking for parents that can commit to specific responsibilities for the 2019-2020 school year. If you’re interested, please reach out to Nicole W at, she’s our leader for the Nomination Committee. She can answer questions and share more information.

Stay & Play

Quote(s) of the Week

Interesting Reading & Viewing

  • We have a writing goal as a school, and part of that goal involves working on getting the conventions (punctuation, grammar, and so on) correct. So here’s an article from grammarly that talks about the origins of Mother’s Day (not to be confused with Mothers Day or Mothers’ Day).
  • You know I’m big on getting kids outside and into nature for learning experiences, so this might be a great example of confirmation bias, but here’s an article on how science says I’m on the right track  😁: Nature offers serious benefits to our physical and mental health, research suggests

Calendar of Events

Monday May 13

  • Make a lunch with no single-use plastics.
  • Long Jump practice for grade 4 – lunch playtime

Tuesday May 14

  • Make a lunch with no single-use plastics.
  • Long jump practice for grade 5 – lunch playtime

Wednesday May 15

  • or… Make a lunch with no single-use plastics.
  • Long jump practice for grade 6 – lunch playtime

Thursday May 16

  • Electrical Safety Day – BC Hydro Presentation
  • Make a lunch with no single-use plastics.
  • Long jump practice for grade 7 – lunch playtime

Friday May 17

  • Make a lunch with no single-use plastics.


  • May 20 – Victoria Day Holiday – no school
  • May 22 – Welcome to Kindergarten
  • May 27  – Track Meet
  • May 31 – Parent Appreciation Tea
  • June 2 – grade 7 camp departure
  • June 14 – Sports Day




West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556