Strong Start

Strong Start

IMG_5036General Information



For the 2024-2025 School Year, the West Langley Strong Start will operate as follows:

Morning Session: 9am-12pm

Afternoon Session: 1pm-4pm

Please note our capacity is 20 students. You do not need to pre-register to attend. Just bring your child’s birth certificate with you to register on arrival. Please note that parents must attend with their child/ren.

You can find more information about our Strong Start program by visiting the West Langley StrongStart Facebook page.

Strongstart in Langley Schools

Parent Handbook

Description and Locations

Stroller parking is outside the Strong Start Center door; vehicles should be parked on the gravel lot to the North of the school parking lot. Please leave the marked spaces in the paved lot for our dedicated itinerant staff who often arrive with armloads of materials to bring to and from their cars.

For more information, please visit

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556