West Langley Update

Posted: March 27, 2020

Dear West Langley Families,

.SD35 Continuity of Learning Plan 2020Mar27 TownshipNoticeforSD35 2020-03-27 Letter to Parents – Continuity of Learning 2020Mar27Please see the attached letter form Gord Stewart, the Superintendent of Langley Schools, along with two other attachments with important information from the District.

The follwoing is a link to a video sent out by our Gord Stewart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB32p8cvS1c

We will continue to be in contact with you as we get additional information.

Please take care of each other and be safe.


Christine Potter-Smith


West Langley Elementary School

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556