
Regular attendance and arriving on time for the day is essential for a child to benefit most from school. Students participate in class community building activities, learn new skills and are exposed to new ideas every day.

Sometimes children get sick, and do not benefit from being here, as they may be too sick to concentrate. Further, attending while ill increases the chances of spreading that illness to other students and adults in the school. During COVID-19, it is imperative that students who are demonstrating signs of illness not attend school until they are well again. Please refer to public health guidelines, call 8-1-1 for additional information, and/or call the school office at 604-888-6444.

  • Please do not send your child to school if there are definite signs of ill health.  Students who become ill during the day are to go directly to their teacher.
  • Our policy is to send students who are ill home as soon as possible. Our practice is to call parents and ask that the student be picked up. For this reason, it is important that parents keep work and emergency phone numbers current.

If your child is going to be absent, arriving late, away or leaving early due to an appointment, please notify the school of your child’s absence by doing either of the following:

  1. E-mail with information including:
  • Student First Name and Last Name
  • Grade
  • Division
  • Length of Absence
  • Reason (illness, late, appointment, vacation)


  1. Call 604-888-6444 and follow the prompts for the attendance line and leave a message with information including:
  • Student First Name and Last Name
  • Grade
  • Division
  • Length of Absence
  • Reason (illness, late, appointment, vacation)

West Langley Elementary

9403 212 St, Langley
BC, V1M 1M1
Phone: 604-888-6444
Fax: 604-882-8556